About EPA
EPA とは

About EPA
About EPA(Economic Partnership Agreement)
IMS group accepts those who aim at a care worker at the EPA every year.
The Abiko Royal Care Center has no experience of accepting staff from overseas at the EPA in the past.
In cooperation with group facilities, we will listen to the good parts and support you.
About staff dormitory
The location is near the nearest station (Tennoudai Station).
We rent an apartment and provide it as a dormitory.
The size changes because of the rental property.
You are a dormitory. It is not a shared dormitory.
Choose a house so that you can balance your study and work
About Tennoudai Station
There are shops near supermarkets, convenience stores, banks, etc. that are necessary for living
About staff who can speak English
There are several staff members who came to Japan from overseas. The staff can speak English.
In addition, there are staff members who can speak the languages of Philippines, Romania, Russia, and Spain. Dr.Nakajima( facility director ) can also speak English. Use as much Japanese as possible to study Japanese.
About studying
Your goal is to obtain a national qualification (care worker).
It is necessary to study the practical skills of nursing care and the study of the written examination.
For practical skills and Japanese language study, we will decide on the person in charge and teach.
The schedule is fixed, but we will give guidance in accordance with your level.
It is easy to consult anytime and anywhere.
In addition to the guidance of facility staff, there is IMS group training to be conducted in groups.
By meeting people with the same goal in Japan, you will be motivated to study everyday.
In addition, I will study language at Japanese language school regularly. Let's eliminate the anxiety of words.
Laughing, studying, laughing, studying,
We support your study.
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