Ogura S, Nakamura K, Morita H, Nakagawa K, Nishii N, Akagi S, Toh N, Takaya Y, Yoshida M,
Miyoshi T, Watanabe A, Ito H. Fragmented QRS as a predictor of cardiac events in patients with cardiac
sarcoidosis. J Cardiol. 2022;79:446-452. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2021.10.022.
Hara N, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Ueno A, Iida D, Yamauchi M, Takenaka S, Okuno T, Sakakibara M.
Percutaneous coronary intervention in an isolated branch of the right coronary artery anomalously originating
from the mid-left anterior descending artery: a case report. J Coron Artery Dis.
2022;28:14-18. doi.org/10.7793/jcad.28.21-00019
Takenaka S, Enzan A, Ueno A, Sakakibara M. Atrial fibrillation ablation in a patient
complicated by persistent left superior vena cava and absent right superior vena cava. J Arrhythm.
2022;38:256-258. doi: 10.1002/joa3.12686
第86回日本循環器学会学術集会(2022年3月:Web開催) Ueno A, Takenaka S, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara N,
Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara M. Angiographical evaluation of coronary artery spasms associated with atrial
fibrillation ablation.
Takenaka S, Ueno A, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara N, Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara M.
Atrial tachyarrhythmias associated with atrial fibrillation: the efficacy of high-density mapping.
Takenaka S, Ueno A, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara N, Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara M.
Scar-related atrial tachyarrhythmias associated with atrial fibrillation: the efficacy of high-density
Hara N, Sakakibara M, Nozato T, Ashikaga T. Effectiveness and safety of direct oral
anticoagulants versus warfarin in patients with acute venous thromboembolism in the real world.
第68回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会(2022年6月:横浜) Takenaka S, Enzan A, Ueno A, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara
N, Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara M. Analysis of Lesions Found by Chance on Computed Tomography before Atrial
Fibrillation Ablation.
Enzan A, Takenaka S, Ueno A, Tanaka Y, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara N, Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara
M. The characteristics of atrial tachyarrhythmias after open heart surgery.
Ueno A, Takenaka S, Sakakibara M, Enzan A. Angiographical evaluation of coronary artery spasms
and stenosis after atrial fibrillation ablation.
APHRS 2022(2022年11月:シンガポール、Web開催) Takenaka S, Enzan A, Ueno A, Ogura S, Iida D, Hara N,
Yamauchi M, Okuno T, Sakakibara M. Irregular atrial tachycardia after the maze procedure.